Kamailio by example - Getting Started: Directive Operations

1 minute read

Directive Operations

:information_source: Note: Read the official docs to get the most updated information.


defexp is similar to a define, but the ID is set to the value of an expression.

#!defexp ID exp
#!defenvs ID exp     // defenv for strings

Check snexpr for expression examples.


It can also be user to define what parts of the config file are loaded, ensuring lower memory usage and faster execution.

#!ifdef ID   // check if an ID is defined
#!ifexp exp  // check if expression is true
#!ifndef     // check if an ID is not defined
#!else       // switch to false branch of if region
#!endif      // end if region


subst perform substitutions inside the strings, even when concatenated. The define is replacing only IDs (alphanumeric tokens not enclosed in quotes). Be careful with the sub-string, to make sure it doesn’t match previous subst substitutions.

#!subst "/regexp/substring/flags"
#!substdef  "/regexp/substring/flags" // also do a #!define ID substring
#!substdefs "/regexp/substring/flags" // substdef for strings

#!define MAINTENANCE 1
#!defenv KAMA_LISTEN
#!defexp ADDR "udp:" + KAMA_LISTEN
#!subst "/Hello/Hi/g"


loadmodule "sl"
modparam("sl", "bind_tm", 0)

#!include_file "0.6.0-define-ops.inc.cfg"
request_route {
    sl_send_reply(500, "Hello");
    sl_send_reply(200, "Hello");

How to test: Check the kamalab to prepare your lab.

# kamalab ❯
# select 0.6.0-define-ops.cfg
# Listening on
#              udp: []:5060
# Aliases:

In another terminal let’s send OPTIONS to the server:

# >
# ...
# OPTIONS sip: SIP/2.0
# ...
# SIP/2.0 500 Hi
# ...

We see that:

  • In ADDR an expression is used to concatenate strings.
  • A subst was used to replace Hello in the response cause.
  • The sl_send_reply(200, "Hello") was not loaded, since the define MAINTENANCE was set to 1.



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