Network by Example - Datagrams: Frangmentation

2 minute read

Datagrams: Frangmentation

Frangmentation can be done by the sender or by any intermediate routers (unlike IPv6). Fragments themselves can be fragmented.

The UDP header, with the ports, appears only in the first fragment. This is a firewall/NAT complication, packets can simply be dropped by the network.


When sending 3000 bytes of app data (+8+20=3028) fragmentating it in 3 packets is required, with the extra 40 bytes of IP header.

The Fragments are controlled by the Identification, Fragment Offset and More Fragments fields in the IP header:

  • Identification: A unique number for the datagram, usually a counter. It’s copied into each fragment and used to group them.
  • Fragment Offset: The offset of the fragment in the original datagram, in units of 8 bytes (185*8=1480).
  • More Fragments: Set to 1 in all fragments except the last one.

If 1 fragment is lost, the whole datagram is lost. Since fragmentation can occur at any router, there’s no way for the sender to know it needs to resend a fragment.

The last argument is delivered first, so the receiving host can assert the max buffer size. tshark has to reassemble frags to recover the port numbers.


If a UDP message arrives over multiple fragments, the app will not see it until the OS first receives all fragments and reassembles the data (done at the OS level). This contrasts with TCP, in which stream data is handed to the application as it arrives.

A timer starts when the first fragment is received, to prevent buffer attacks. If the last fragment is not received within 60 seconds, the fragments are discarded and an ICMP error time exceeded code(1) is sent to the sender.


## capture
~ $ sudo tshark -i any -f "host"
    8 25.891998085 →      IPv4 1516 Fragmented IP protocol (proto=UDP 17, off=0, ID=1fe2)
    9 25.892020193 →      IPv4 1516 Fragmented IP protocol (proto=UDP 17, off=1480, ID=1fe2)
   10 25.892022837 →      UDP 37 49166 → 5000 Len=2953
## client sends a udp datagram to the server
~ $ dd if=/dev/urandom bs=2953 count=1 | nc -q 0 -w 0 -u 5000

In this example we are using dd to generate a random data of 2953 bytes, and send it to the server using nc over UDP. It was send in 3 fragments, the first with 1472, second with 1480 and the last one with 1.

Note that the udp header is only present in the first fragment, so we shouldn’t filter by ports.

Analize pcap

Check for fragments that are not reassembled

tshark -2 -r trace.pcap -Y "(ip.flags == 0x1 or ip.frag_offset >0) and not ip.reassembled_in and not ip.fragments"
  ## -2: two-pass analysis (tshark must read a fragment and match it to a later packet that it has not yet read)
  ## (ip.flags == 0x1 or ip.frag_offset >0): detect a fragment
  ## not ip.reassembled_in and not ip.fragments: detect a fragment that is not reassembled

Common UDP attacks

  • Massive traffic
  • Magnification attacks
  • Fragments with no data
  • Fragments with overlapping fragments Offset
  • Ping of Death



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