Rust by example - Getting Started
Rust by example
Getting Started
By Example
/* rust intro
const THREE_HOURS_IN_SECONDS: u32 = 60 * 60 * 3;
/// This is the main function outer doc
fn main() {
//! This is the main function inner doc
// use snake_case and 4 spaces for indentation
// my_seconds is immutable
let my_seconds = THREE_HOURS_IN_SECONDS;
let mut bananas = 5; // mutable
bananas = bananas + 1; // can be changed
println!("The value of bananas is: {bananas}");
let y = { //
let x = 3; // statement
x + 1 // no semicolon
}; // expression
// x is not valid ouside the scope
println!("The value of y is: {y}");
{ // new scope
let my_seconds = my_seconds + 1; // shadowing the previous value
println!("The value of my_seconds in the inner scope is: {my_seconds}");
println!("The value of my_seconds is: {my_seconds}");
$ rustc
$ ./intro
The value of bananas is: 6
The value of y is: 4
The value of my_seconds in the inner scope is: 10801
The value of my_seconds is: 10800
This code will be explained in the following sections.
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